
From your second consecutive year at Hasselt University, you need to re-register in 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Take action

Starting from the 4th of July, you can re-register by making a request in your student file. It is recommended to do this right away (if you don't have resit exams) or immediately after the publication of the resit exam results. Otherwise, your account (username and password) might expire. Please contact the student administration office when this happens.

After your re-registration has been processed you can start composing your academic programme for the new academic year. Specific instructions regarding composing your programme are available via this link. It’s recommended to do this as soon as possible to avoid queues.

Step 2: You'll receive payment instructions

After re-registering, you will receive an email with instructions to pay a deposit. The deposit is part of the tuition fee for next academic year.

Step 3: Pay the deposit

Pay the deposit before the 1st of October and you're ready for next academic year!

Do you have a question about your registration?

Don't hesitate to send an e-mail to A staff member of the student administration will come back to you as soon as possible.