
Special research Fund

The Special Research Fund (Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds, BOF) is a research grant funding allocated by the Flemish government to the universities every year. The grant funding is distributed among the various Flemish universities on the basis of a competitive system. The BOF funds are allocated through project or fellowship funding for fundamental scientific research.

BOF regulations

You can find the BOF regulations on the UHasselt intranet.

BOF programmes

The following is an overview of the various BOF programmes. Click on the programme for more information about it.

Project funding

BOF programme


Application form**

Large Research Projects

1 February 2024: submission preproposal
1 October 2024: submission full proposal


Small Research Projects

9 January 2024: declaration of intent
1 February 2024: submission application


Interuniversity BOF programme (IBOF)


Bilateral Scientific Cooperation

1 April
1 October

Application form
Confirmation Joint PhD

* If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it is moved to the next working day.

Research Organisation

BOF programme


Application form**

Research Infrastructure Fund

11 April 2023



BOF programme


Application form**

Incoming mobility

1 February
15 May
1 October

Application form

Outgoing mobility

1 February
15 May
1 October


Sabbatical Leave

1 February
15 May
1 October


PhD Mobility UC Berkeley

1 February


* If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it is moved to the next working day.

Policy Reserve

BOF programme


Application form**

Research collaboration without boundaries

2 October


Incentive funding

  • Incentive funding FWO-mandate (pre-doc)
  • Incentive funding for preparation of an ERC Grant application (BOF Tenure Track and other ZAP)
  • Incentive Funding Consultancy within EU framework programmes
  • Incentive Funding for financing 4th year within within EU framework programmes

throughout the year


* If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it is moved to the next working day.

Other programmes

BOF programme

Hasselt University provides support for the following programs:

  • Methusalem
  • Tenure track mandates with a main research assignment (BOF TT mandates)
  • BOF ZAP mandates / Research professors
  • Structural Funding for institutes and centres
  • Strategic Policy Reserve
  • Bonus for externally acquired mandates

More information can be found on the Intranet - BOF internal guidelines (after login)

Large Research Projects

The BOF programme Large Research Projects provides funding for interdisciplinary projects for fundamental scientific research.  With this programme Hasselt University intends to promote interdisciplinary collaboration through research projects. 
Based on the civic character of UHasselt, promoters will be asked to indicate for their project the anticipated social and/or economic impact.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Small research projects

The BOF 'Small Research Projects' programme entails projects with a four-year funding period, on which 1 or 2 pre-doctoral researcher's mandates are awarded. This BOF program is open to both monodisciplinary projects and projects in which 2 researchers with complementary expertise work together.

More information can be found on the Intranet  (after login)

"Interuniversity BOF projects" programme (IBOF)

The Flemish universities launch a call for interuniversity BOF projects (iBOF projects) every two years.

Within the iBOF programme,  excellent, frontier research will be funded, in a collaboration (consortium) of at least 3 promoters at at least 2 Flemish universities.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation


The "Bilateral Scientific Cooperation" programme aims to stimulate and strengthen international university cooperation between Flemish researchers and colleagues from partner countries through (joint) PhD projects. In the selection process, the Research Council monitors a good balance between science-sharing projects with developing countries on one hand, and projects seeking connection to large international networks on the other.


Proposals must meet the following conditions:

  • The application must be in the context of a new or already existing collaboration with a foreign research group, and must relate to a doctoral project in favour of a foreign doctoral candidate.
  • The candidate must be accepted as a doctoral student on the basis of the doctoral regulations and according to the usual rules;
  • The doctoral student must remain administratively linked to the home university or home institution.
  • Each stay at UHasselt lasts a maximum of 90 days;
    • Preferably only one stay per calendar year.
    • Providing clear reasons, there can exceptionally be two stays per calendar year.
  • The PhD must be (jointly) supervised by the UHasselt research group (cf. UHasselt doctoral regulations). If a promoter already has two ongoing BOF-BILA Projects, he cannot submit a new application. If the project period of the ongoing BOF-BILA projects doesn’t coincide with the BOF BILA project to be submitted (i.e. should an ongoing PhD of one of the first 2 BOF BILA projects be defended before the first stay of the 3rd BOF BILA project), this exclusion criterion is not applicable.
  • At the start of the joint PhD trajectory, it must be clear whether it will be a Joint PhD or an UHasselt PhD. This should be supported by a proof of the home institution that a double PhD degree can be delivered.
  • In the case of a joint PhD, it is requested that negotiations for concluding a cooperation agreement for the joint supervision / certification of the doctorate are started prior to the start of the joint PhD trajectory. From a second stay at UHasselt onwards, all agreements regarding guidance, certification, etc. must be clarified in this cooperation agreement.


  • The proposals must be submitted using the application form.
  • The proposals are submitted electronically to the Directorate Research, Library and Internationalisation at
  • The obtained diplomas must be provided in English, Dutch or French. If no English, Dutch or French version of the diploma is attached, the application is not admissible.
  • In case of joint PhD: Confirmation joint PhD


Proposals can be submitted to the Directorate Research, Library and Internationalisation twice a year, on April 1st and October 1st. If this date falls on a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday, the closing date is postponed until the following working day at 5:00 pm.

More information

Contact Hasselt University:
Tel.: +3211269053

Support with regard to the application form  will be guaranteed up to 3 working days before submission date.

Hasselt University Intranet: ‘BOF Internal guidelines

Doctoral Scholarship


The BOF programme ‘Doctoral Scholarship’ involves funding for starting personal mandates with a PhD finality for promising candidate PhDs at the start of a doctoral trajectory.

Applications within the Doctoral Scholarship Programme have the classic form of 2 x 2 years. However, applications for a 2-year funding are possible in case of:

  • cofinancing by another institution, which offers 2 years of funding and the PhD leads to a joint PhD with a double degree;
  • cofinancing by another institution, which offers 1 year of funding, the PhD leads to a joint PhD with a double degree and a 4th year of funding is provided by internal means of the Research group or faculty.
  • cofinancing by a non-universitary institution, which offers 2 years of funding and the PhD leads to an UHasselt PhD;
  • cofinancing by a non-universitary institution, which offers one year of funding, the PhD leads to an UHasselt PhD and a fourth year of funding is provided by internal means of the Research group or faculty

If an application for a joint PhD with another Flemish university is submitted, the requested budget within the BOF doctoral scholarship is limited to a maximum of 2 years funding and the other Flemish university has to cofinance at least 1 year of the doctorate. Otherwise, the application is inadmissible

These types of applications with cofinancing are only admissible when the PhD at the other institution hasn’t started yet.



  • This programme is open to all applicants* without restriction to gender, nationality or age.
  • All prospective doctoral students are eligible, provided that they are admitted to the PhD by the relevant faculty within Hasselt University.

*This call is open to candidate PhD students, without restriction to gender, nationality or age. Since this concerns mandates in the scholarship statute, the circular of the Belgian Ministry of Finance regarding the exemption conditions of doctoral scholarships applies. This states, among other things, that employment contracts may not be replaced by a doctoral scholarship.

Exclusion criteria

Regardless the type of appointment or financing under which the PhD research is executed, candidate PhDs that already started their PhD research (i.e. having started a doctoral file or having an appointment as “doctoraatsbursaal”) are excluded from applying for this call. However, persons that have started their doctorate as Voluntary Scientific Researcher (VWM statute - persons don’t receive funding to execute the doctorate) and who haven’t been granted a BOF BILA, are allowed to submit a proposal within the doctoral scholarship programme.

A person can only be appointed as a PhD fellow (“doctoraatsbursaal”) for a maximum period of 48 months in total across all Belgian universities; should you have been appointed as "doctoraatsbursaal" at a Belgian university in the past, you're are excluded from applying in this call.

In case of a joint PhD with one of the preferred partners of UHasselt (being Maastricht University, ULiège or UNamur) the applicants must be submitted in the call for Euregional doctoral grants when the Euregional call is opened in the domain of the application. In that case, an application within the BOF doctoral scholarship programme, is inadmissible.


  • The proposals must be submitted by the doctoral candidate, together with a promoter who is affiliated with Hasselt University and can act, in accordance with the doctoral regulations, as promoter at Hasselt University.
  • Each promoter can only be involved in maximum two applications per call. If the candidate has submitted an application to the FWO simultaneously, the BOF application has to be submitted with the same promoter (no switch between promoter and co-promoter possible).
  • The proposals must be submitted using the application forms.

Application form without FWO application
Application form with FWO application
Application form supplementary funding (bench fee)

  • The completed application forms are electronically submitted to
  • A recommendation letter by the promoter can be included in the application (not mandatory).
  • Each applicant has to submit a parallel application for FWO PhD fellowship Fundamental Research (FO), a FWO PhD fellowship strategic basic research (SB) or another externally funded scholarship, if the prospective doctoral student is eligible according to the rules of the financier.
  • Applications are submitted in English.


  • March 1st (5:00 pm): deadline submission of application.  If this is a Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday, the closing date is moved to the next working day at 5:00 pm;
  • April-May: selection procedure with internal selection and interview round;
  • End of June: announcement selection;
  • November 1st: start of the mandate.

In agreement with the faculty, the start date can be postponed, until February 1st of the same academic year at the latest.

More information
Contact Hasselt University:
Tel.: +3211269053

Support with regard to the application form  will be guaranteed up to 3 working days before submission date.

Hasselt University Intranet: ‘BOF Internal guidelines

PhD starting grant

This programme is linked to the BOF doctoral scholarship programme. It provides non renewable 1 year scholarship funding for candidates, who were not selected at the BOF nor at the FWO, to prepare a renewed FWO application or another externally funded mandate. 

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Euregional Grants in collaboration with University of Namur



The BOF Doctoral Fund and the Fonds spécial de recherche UNamur provide funding for PhD fellowships in the framework of the cooperation between University of Namur and Hasselt University. Both universities provide funding to cofinance 2 fulltime PhD-fellowships in close collaboration leading to a joint doctoral degree (2 separate diplomas, referring to the collaboration).

The fellowships have an initial duration of two years and are renewable for a second period of two years after a positive evaluation at the end of the second year. This evaluation will be based upon the progress report, produced by the candidate, for the doctoral committee and the doctoral committee’s advice.

The candidate will be appointed at both universities for 50% during the entire PhD.



  • This programme is open to all applicants[1] without restriction to gender, nationality or age
  • Graduates with a relevant Master degree and excellent grades.
  • Motivated and determined researchers possessing first-rate analytical and writing skills.
  • Final-year (master) students are (likewise) encouraged to apply if they have proven research skills.

[1] This call is open to candidate PhD students, without restriction to gender, nationality or age. Since this concerns mandates in the scholarship statute, the circular of the Belgian Ministry of Finance regarding the exemption conditions of doctoral scholarships applies. This states, among other things, that employment contracts may not be replaced by a doctoral scholarship.

Exclusion criteria

  • A person can only be appointed as a PhD fellow (“doctoraatsbursaal”) for a maximum period of 48 months in total across all Belgian universities; should you have been appointed as "doctoraatsbursaal" at a Belgian university in the past, you're are excluded from applying in this call.
  • BOF only accepts applications from candidates at the start of a doctoral trajectory: candidates that are already appointed as “doctoraatsbursaal” or that have a doctoral file are excluded.
  • Applicants for a joint PhD with UNamur are excluded from applying within the BOF doctoral scholarship programme.


  • The proposals must be submitted by the doctoral candidate, together with:
    • a promoter who is affiliated with Hasselt University and can act, in accordance with the doctoral regulations, as promoter at Hasselt University.
    • a promoter who is affiliated with UNamur and can act as promoter according to their regulations.
  • The proposals must be submitted using the application form.
  • The completed application forms are electronically submitted to, and to
  • Applications are submitted in English.

Assessment criteria?

  • Scientific quality of the candidate:
    • Study results
    • Motivation and relevant competences
  • Scientific quality of the proposal:
    • scientific quality of the proposal
    • quality of the research approach (methodology) and feasibility of the project
    • quality of the research environment including excellence of lab (infrastructure, supervision, past experience, …)
  • Quality of collaboration:
    • embedding of proposed project in research policy of the hosting research institute/group/school
    • explain how the project will enhance the collaboration between both universities
    • indicate prospect of more sustainable collaboration
    • equal involvement of both sides

The applications will be assessed by a selection committee appointed for that purpose by both Research Councils. The selection will be based on a scoring grid.
In case of ex aequo priority will be given to applications within a new domain or domain with the least ongoing collaborations.


  • 1 March 2024 17h00: deadline submission of application.  
    If this is a Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday, the closing date is moved to the next working day at 17h00;
  • April 2024: Selection
  • May 2024: Selection by both Research Councils
  • June 2024: Final Decision
  • 1 October 2024: start of the mandate.

More information

Contact UNamur:
Tel: +3281725049

Contact Hasselt University:
Tel.: +3211269053

Support with regard to the application form  will be guaranteed up to 3 working days before submission date.

UHasselt intranet: BOF internal guidelines

Euregional Grants in Cooperation with University of Liège


The BOF programme ‘Euregional Doctoral Grants in collaboration with ‘Université de Liège (ULiège)’ involves funding of personal mandates with a PhD finality. It concerns joint PhDs where both universities have funding to cofund two mandates every two years (the even years). The candidate will be appointed at both universities for 50% during the entire PhD.

The call of 2024 is limited to applications within following faculties and schools:

  • UHasselt:
    • Faculty of engineering technology
    • Faculty of Architecture and Arts
    • School of Social Sciences
  • ULiège:
    • Faculty of Applied Sciences
    • Faculty of Architecture
    • Faculty of Social Sciences

Next to the 2 scholarships that will be granted in the frame of the cooperation between ULiège - UHasselt, the Rectoral Offices of both universities agreed to finance a scholarship devoted to research in the frame of the Einstein Telescope (ET), open to all research disciplines.

The Einstein Telescope is a proposed third-generation ground-based gravitational wave detector. It will be able to test Einstein’s general theory of relativity in strong field conditions and realize precision gravitational wave astronomy. The strategy behind the Einstein Telescope project is to build an observatory that overcomes the limitations of current detector sites by hosting more than a single gravitational-wave detector. It will consist of three nested detectors, each composed of two interferometers with arms 10 kilometers long. The underground Einstein Telescope will be Europe’s most advanced observatory for gravitational waves. The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany are jointly studying whether to host this world-class observatory.

Applications for the ET PhD call may come from all research disciplines that can formulate a research proposal that's directly relevant to the Einstein Telescope. For example, the economical and societal impact of the installation of the ET on the region could be put forward as proposal, as well as proposals that are coming from more (exact) scientific disciplines. Proposals will be evaluated on quality and strategic relevance to the ET project.



  • This programme is open to all applicants[1] without restriction to gender, nationality or age.
  • All prospective doctoral students are eligible, provided that they are admitted to the PhD by the relevant faculty within Hasselt University and ULiège.

[1] This call is open to candidate PhD students, without restriction to gender, nationality or age. Since this concerns mandates in the scholarship statute, the circular of the Belgian Ministry of Finance regarding the exemption conditions of doctoral scholarships applies. This states, among other things, that employment contracts may not be replaced by a doctoral scholarship.

Exclusion criteria

A person can only be appointed as a PhD fellow (“doctoraatsbursaal”) for a maximum period of 48 months in total across all Belgian universities; should you have been appointed as "doctoraatsbursaal" at a Belgian university in the past, you're are excluded from applying in this call.


  • The proposals must be submitted by the doctoral candidate, together with:
    • a promoter who is affiliated with Hasselt University and can act, in accordance with the doctoral regulations, as promoter at Hasselt University.
    • a promoter who is affiliated with ULiège and can act as promoter according to their regulations.
  • The proposals must be submitted using the application form.
  • The completed application forms are electronically submitted to, and to
  • Applications are submitted in English.


  • March 1st (5:00 pm): deadline submission of application. If this is a Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday, the closing date is moved to the next working day at 5:00 pm;
  • June: announcement selection;
  • October 1st: start of the mandate

More information

Contact ULiège:
Tel: +3243665231

Contact Hasselt University:
Tel.: +3211269053


Support with regard to the application form  will be guaranteed up to 3 working days before submission date.

Euregional Grants in collaboration with Maastricht University


Funding organisation: Maastricht University Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Special Research fund UHasselt

The Maastricht University Faculty of Science and Engineering and the BOF Euregional grant programme of UHasselt provide funding for PhD fellowships in the framework of the cooperation between Maastricht University and Hasselt University. Both universities provide funding to cofinance 2 fulltime PhD-fellowships in close collaboration leading to a joint doctoral degree (2 separate diplomas, referring to the collaboration).

The fellowships have a total duration of 4 years but are subject to an intermediary evaluation at both universities. This evaluation will be based upon the progress report, produced by the candidate, for the doctoral committee and the doctoral committee’s advice.

The PhD candidate will be appointed:

  • 100% during the PhD at Hasselt University, where the terms of employment of Hasselt University will apply;


  • 100% during the PhD at Maastricht University, where the terms of employment of Maastricht University will apply.


Applicants - mandate funding

  • This programme is open to applicants1 without restriction to gender, nationality or age.
  • Graduates with a relevant Master degree and excellent grades.
  • Motivated and determined researchers possessing first-rate analytical and writing skills.
  • Final-year (master) students are encouraged to apply if they have proven research skills.

 1​Since this concerns mandates in a scholarship statute, the circular of the Belgian Ministry of Finance regarding the exemption conditions of doctoral scholarships applies. This states, among other things, that employment contracts may not be replaced by a doctoral scholarship.

Exclusion criteria

Candidates who have already started their PhD research, are not eligible for the call.


  • The applications must be submitted by the PhD-candidate signed by both
  • The completed application forms are electronically submitted to, and to
  • Applications are submitted in English.
  • Deadline: 01.03.2024, 17h00


  • 1 March 2024, 17h00: Deadline submission of applications
  • May 2024: Preselection
  • June 2024: Final decision

More information

Support with regard to the application form  will be guaranteed up to 3 working days before submission date.

UHasselt intranet: BOF internal guidelines

Bridging grant

Within this programme promoters who have acquired competitive external funding, but need additional funding to complete the 4-year budget requirements to appoint a PhD student, can apply for 50% personnel costs and € 2,500 bench fee for the last year of appointment.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Postdoc Temporary mandates

Within this programme, funds are earmarked for one-year postdoc mandates for FWO candidate fellows who, following a scientifically favourable ranking, for budgetary reasons, are not offered a fellowship by the FWO.

More information can be found on the Intranet mandates (after login)

Research Infrastructure fund

Every year, Hasselt University reserves part of the BOF funds for the BOF Research Infrastructure Fund, in order to expand its research infrastructure park. By combining these BOF funds with the FWO Research Infrastructure funds for medium-scale infrastructure, Hasselt University is able to launch a BOF Infrastructure call every four years.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Incoming mobility


The BOF programme for incoming mobility funds incoming international academic research stays for a short period of time (from 1 to 3 months).

This programme is open for academic researchers from postdoctoral level upwards. The stay of a foreign researcher at our university should have an added value for the UHasselt research.



The applications must be submitted by a promotor at Hasselt University, who is part of ZAP.


  • The proposals must be submitted using the application form.
  • The applications must include a scientific plan.
  • The completed application forms are electronically submitted to
  • External researchers are asked to add a C.V. to the application.
  • Applications are submitted in English.


  • A new application for the same researcher is only eligible if the report of the previous stay has been submitted.
  • The number of approved applications for the same incoming researcher within this programme is limited to max. 3.


The applications for a short stay can be submitted three times a year: February 1st, May 15th and October 1st.  Should the deadline fall on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the deadline is moved to the next working day at 5 pm.

Start date of the stay:

  • applications submitted on February 1st, will be discussed in the Research Council of  February. If approved the stay can start from March onwards
  • applications submitted on May 15th, will be discussed in the Research Council of June. If approved, the stay can start from July onwards.
  • applications submitted on October 1st, will be discussed in the Research Council of October or November. If approved the stay can start from January the next year onwards.

More information

Hasselt University contact person: Lieve Tulleneers

Support with regard to the application form  will be guaranteed up to 3 working days before submission date.

Intranet: BOF internal guidelines

Outgoing mobility

The BOF programme outgoing mobility funds outgoing international academic research stays for a short period of time (from 1 to 3 months).

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Sabbatical leave

The BOF programme Sabbatical Leave cofinances outgoing international research stays for periods of 3 to 12 months.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

BOF PhD Mobility UC Berkeley

The BOF exchange programme for PhD mobility to and from UC Berkeley facilitates outgoing mobility to UC Berkeley and incoming mobility from UC Berkeley for PhD students through a short stay of 1 to 3 months.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Research Collaboration without boundaries

The BOF programme “Research collaboration without boundaries” should leverage sustainable, multidisciplinary collaborations with disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, where the supervisor is from the Humanities and Social Sciences (including research group ZEET) and co-promoters can come from any UHasselt faculty or be a non-UHasselt partner, with the latter partner providing 50% effective co-funding and adding research expertise from a different research discipline to the consortium. The intent is to provide seed money, with the goal of serving as the start of a sustainable collaboration that can lead to future joint efforts to apply for new external research funding.

More information can be found on the Intranet (after login)

Incentive funding

UHasselt provides FWO PhD fellowship grantees that didn’t apply with BOF doctoral fund with the opportunity to apply for additional bench fee once they’ve been granted an FWO fellowship mandate.

More information can be found on the intranet (after login)

With this programme, Hasselt University wants to facilitate BOF TT Assistant Professors and other ZAP members in preparing an ERC application. This funding (max €15,000) can be used to hire consultancy, as a resource to cover for replacement during the preparation of the ERC application, to cover research stays with ERC grantees or top researchers, to fund research activities in order to improve the ERC application, etc. If this incentive is used, no further claim can be made on other initiatives that exist to support an ERC application.

More information can be found on the intranet (after login)

When a promoter plans to apply for a project within the European Framework programme as a coordinator, the promoter can apply for a budget of maximum € 10,000 to hire consultancy to revise the application, including the impact section.

More information can be found on the intranet (after login)

With this incentive, funding is made available to finance the fourth year of a PhD fellow, when the acquired external funding through an EU Framework programme only provides funding for three years. The incentive fits the advice of the Board of Deans, stating there must be guarantees for four years of funding at the start of a PhD fellowship.

More information can be found on the intranet (after login)

To meet the increasing demand to provide postdoctoral funding, BOF offers the possibility to appoint a postdoctoral researcher or a new PhD student on the remaining funds of an ongoing BOF Small Project, provided that:

the initially appointed PhD student on that BOF Small Research Project has obtained external nominative mandate funding (e.g. FWO, VLAIO,...);
there are sufficient additional funds to appoint a new PhD student;
the proposed postdoctoral researcher has a clear link with the BOF Small Project.

More information can be found on the intranet (after login)