In this project we focus on increasing the energy-efficiency in buildings via heat management in innovative windows and in solar panels. Hereby we are developing and demonstrating functional films for heat management that are integrated in laminated safety glass for windows as well as in building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).

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Het Subsidiehuis INTERREG Vlaanderen Nederland Logo

This project is being carried out with a contribution from the European programme Interreg V Flanders-Netherlands, which promotes innovation, sustainable energy, a healthy environment and the labour market through cross-border projects.

The focus at SUNOVATE is on the development and integration of infrared light-regulating, pigmented polymer films for use in solar panels and windows.

SUNOVATE builds on the knowledge within Interreg project EnergyEfficiency (2016-2018) in the field of heat-regulating multifunctional coatings in buildings. The foils are permeable to IR light at low temperatures and IR light resistant at temperatures above 25°C. With building-integrated solar panels, heating of the panels is prevented in this way and energy consumption in buildings is reduced by smart regulation of IR light through windows. In this way SUNOVATE contributes strongly to the goal of an energy and climate neutral built environment by 2050.

Interreg project PV OpMaat (2016-2019) integrated solar cells better and more aesthetically in buildings thanks to the development of various types of customized PV modules and with improved visual aspects. SUNOVATE also builds on these results from PV OpMaat. Project partners Glass for Glass will install a number of windows and Soltech a number of solar cells with the adhesive foil in the SolarBEAT test building on the TU/e ​​Campus in Eindhoven.

More information can be found at the project website.

Project lead:

  • TNO

Project partners:

  • Universiteit Hasselt - imo-imomec
  • Glass for Glass
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Soltech
  • Yparex
  • Everlam
  • IMEC vzw, Associated lab IMOMEC


prof. dr. ir. Michaël Daenen

Michael Daenen
Thor Park 8320, 3600 Genk, Belgium

dr. Lieve De Doncker

dr. Lieve De Doncker
Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Business developer