prof. dr. Jan D'Haen

  • Head of the AMS research group
  • Full Professor at Hasselt University
Jan D'Haen (1) Jan D'Haen (1)

Prof. dr. Jan D'Haen

Jan D'Haen (1)

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

Full Professor

Jan D’Haen, born in 1965, started as electron microscopist in 1987 at the former LUC. After obtaining his PhD in 1996, he became in imo-imomec responsible for mainly electron microscopy based analytical services for internal and external research projects. Since 2015 he is appointed as Full Professor (“Gewoon Hoogleraar”). Together with Ward De Ceuninck he is the head of the Analytical & Microscopical Services (AMS) expertise group, which focuses mainly on microscopical and/or diffraction based analyses to support researchers within imo-imomec in the development of new material systems and third party researchers and companies.

ResearcherID: K-1938-2016

ORCID: 0000-0003-4487-3885